Book Fun Under the Sun!

My first book festival was The Orange County Children’s Book Festival. And it was a fun!

I was on a great panel with wonderful middle grade writers who showed me the ropes – because this was my first panel ever!

Edith Cohn wrote Spirit’s Key, a beautiful story about a very unique relationship between a girl and her dog. It turns out that Edith and I have a mutual friend who had been trying to get us together. Before that could happen, we just ended up on this panel together. Weird, right?

Mary Ann Eisenberg and Wendie Willson write the Aly Rutherford series. I haven’t read them yet but after hearing them read an excerpt from the new book, Aly Rutherford and the Ancient Springs, I’m planning to soon!

Then after the panel, Edith and I signed books.

We went to Mrs. Nelson’s Book Fair Company tent here a box of ARCs (advance reading copies) of The Infinity Year of Avalon James were waiting for me! It was so much fun to sign and talk with kids at the festivals. Kids rock!

It was 100 degrees at the Festival but I wouldn’t change a thing! (except maybe that 100 degree part!!)

Join me on Saturday, October 15, 2016, at 4:00pm at “Once Upon A Time” bookstore in Montrose, California, for a brief reading of my new book, THE INFINITY YEAR OF AVALON JAMES, plus cookies and general happiness.

I would love to see you there!